
In the rapidly growing market of sustainable e-commerce, EcoShop, a newly conceived platform for eco-conscious shoppers, aims to establish itself as a trusted destination for sustainable products. With its focus on user-centered design and comprehensive sustainability information, EcoShop seeks to meet the unique needs of environmentally conscious consumers.

Role: UX Designer (User Research, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing)

Timeline: Dec 2019—Early 2022

Problem Statement

EcoShop wants to help people who care about the environment find eco-friendly products more easily. Right now, it's hard to find these products because they're scattered all over different online stores. This makes shopping for sustainable items confusing and not so fun. EcoShop's challenge is to create an app where you can easily find and buy eco-friendly things, making it simpler for people to be more environmentally friendly in their shopping choices.


By prioritizing user-centered design, transparency, and community building, EcoShop will attract a loyal user base, foster active user contributions, and strengthen its position as a top platform for sustainable shopping and community engagement, leading to higher user retention and increased user-generated content.

Business Opportunity

Addressing the urgent environmental challenges of our time presents a remarkable business opportunity. EcoShop, with its user-centered design, transparency, and community building, is poised to capture the burgeoning market of eco-conscious consumers. By simplifying sustainable shopping and fostering a sense of purpose and community, EcoShop has the potential to not only drive revenue but also leave a profound positive impact on the planet. It aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly products and offers a platform for consumers to make informed, responsible choices. EcoShop represents an opportunity not just for profit but for meaningful change and a more sustainable future.


To create a sustainable e-commerce platform that simplifies access to eco-friendly products promotes responsible consumption, and contributes to a greener world. EcoShop desires to achieve the following:


In the early phase of the research process, I set out to understand the preferences and pain points of our target audience in sustainable online shopping. To achieve this, I began with user surveys and interview preparations. This survey centered around their demographics, shopping habits, sustainability priorities, challenges faced, and preferred features.

I've always wanted to shop more sustainably, but it can be frustrating. Sometimes, you're not sure if what you're buying is genuinely eco-friendly.


User Research and Survey Design

User Interviews

In addition to user surveys, I conducted one-on-one interviews with a diverse group of users to gain deeper insights. These interviews delve into users' personal experiences, motivations for sustainable shopping, and their ideal interactions with an eco-friendly e-commerce platform like EcoShop. Here is a statement made by one of the participants:

Competitor Analysis

Findings from User Interviews and Surveys

I understood the vital role of competitor analysis in shaping our strategy. To gain insights into the sustainable e-commerce landscape, I meticulously assessed our competitors. This involved identifying key players in the eco-friendly product space, including Thrive Market, EarthHero, Our Commonplace, Green Toys, and giants like Amazon's 'Amazon Sustainable.' I delved into their user interfaces, features, and product offerings, with a keen eye on elements that could inspire and inform the design and functionality of EcoShop.

Findings from Competitor Analysis

User Personas

After synthesizing the research findings, the next step in the UX design process for EcoShop was to create user personas. These personas represent archetypal users and serve as valuable tools for understanding and designing for the target audience. Here are two hypothetical user personas:


I sketched low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic structure and layout of the redesigned pages. The wireframes focused on simplifying the booking process, enhancing search filters, and improving the overall layout for a more intuitive user experience.


I translated the wireframes into interactive mockups using Figma. These mockups provided a more detailed representation of the user interface. I added interactive elements such as buttons, dropdown menus, and navigation links to simulate user interactions. Users could navigate through the booking process and access various features.

Validating the designs

I conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems. The goal was to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the proposed design changes. During testing, participants were given specific tasks, such as booking a flight, applying search filters, and exploring personalized recommendations.

During the session, I observed how they interacted with the prototype and gathered feedback on the clarity of the interface, ease of navigation, and overall user satisfaction. The usability session revealed that it was less arduous to set up a new Audience due to the grouping of related fields. It was easier for the user to identify which forms they had to fill, as advanced settings were now hidden under a collapsable toggle.

Reflections and Closing Thoughts

The journey to design EcoShop, an eco-conscious e-commerce platform, was a collaborative effort aimed at addressing the sustainability needs and desires of its users. Here are some key reflections on this UX case study:

  • User-Centered Design: Throughout the process, a strong commitment to user-centered design was evident. User personas, research, and testing informed every design decision, ensuring that the app meets the unique needs of eco-conscious shoppers.

  • Continuous Iteration: The iterative nature of the design process was crucial. User feedback from interviews, surveys, usability testing, and user testing was invaluable in refining the app's design and features.

  • Balancing Complexity and Simplicity: Designing an eco-friendly e-commerce platform presented the challenge of balancing complex sustainability data with a user-friendly interface. Clear product labeling and information were key to achieving this balance.

  • Community Building: The inclusion of user community features reflected the desire to foster a sense of belonging among users who share sustainability values. Building an engaged user community can contribute to the success of EcoShop.

  • Sustainability as a Priority: The case study highlighted the growing importance of sustainability in the e-commerce sector. Sustainable shopping is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in consumer behavior.