TravelEasy Express App Design


  • Four Months

My Role

  • UX Designer: Designing the dashboard end-to-end, working closely with engineering to craft analytical experiences in detail.


  • FIgma. Photoshop, Illustrator



The Hypothesis


The Goal

Key Features

Design Solution

Results and Impact

Lessons Learned



TravelEase is a well-established online travel booking platform that provides a comprehensive range of services to travelers worldwide. The company is dedicated to simplifying the travel planning process, offering users the ability to book flights, hotels, and rental cars seamlessly through their user-friendly website. This case study highlights my effort to improve the user experience (UX) of their website.

Problem Statement

TravelEase is a prominent online travel booking platform that has observed a concerning trend: declining user engagement and conversion rates on its website.

This decline is evident in the form of increased bounce rates, abandoned booking processes, and reduced overall user satisfaction. Users are finding it challenging to navigate the website, complete bookings, and access the information they need. The current user experience fails to meet the evolving expectations of travelers in a post-pandemic world.


By simplifying the booking process, optimizing website performance, enhancing search filters, and incorporating successful features from competitors, TravelEase can significantly improve the overall user experience (UX). As a result, I hypothesize that user engagement will increase, leading to a higher conversion rate and improved customer satisfaction.

Business Opportunity

Enhancing the user experience on TravelEase isn't just about improving metrics; it's about safeguarding the future of the business. By prioritizing user satisfaction and streamlining the booking process, TravelEase isn't just increasing conversions; they're ensuring their relevance, competitiveness, and long-term success in the dynamic travel industry.


To significantly improve the overall user experience (UX) on the TravelEase website, with a focus on enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.


I conducted comprehensive user interviews with 20 TravelEase users, analyzed five major competitors' websites for UI, booking, and features, and examined TravelEase's website analytics to uncover key user metrics, including bounce rates, drop-off points, and session durations over the past year.

Key Findings:

  • Complex Booking Process: User interviews and analytics indicated that the booking process on the website was perceived as complex and time-consuming. Users often abandon bookings midway due to confusion or frustration.

  • Slow Page Load Times: Website analytics revealed that slow page load times were a significant issue, causing users to experience delays and potentially leading to frustration and abandonment. The bounce rate had increased by 12% over the past year, and there were specific drop-off points during the booking process. Additionally, the average session duration had decreased by 15%.

  • Limited Search Filters: Users expressed a desire for more robust search filters to help them quickly find the travel options that matched their preferences in terms of price, date, location, and user ratings.

  • Competitor Insights: The competitor analysis identified industry best practices, such as streamlined booking processes, personalized recommendations, and intuitive search filters, which TravelEase could incorporate.

In a world where convenience is king, I expected a smoother booking process from TravelEase. The current website experience left me wanting more. They need to fix this to stay competitive.


Design Strategy

The research phase highlighted several critical issues that needed to be addressed to enhance the TravelEase user experience. Therefore to solve this issue, I had to focus on:

  • Simplifying the booking process to reduce user frustration and abandonment.

  • Optimizing website performance to improve page load times and user satisfaction.

  • Enhancing search filters to provide users with more efficient options for narrowing down their travel choices.

  • Incorporating successful features from competitors to stay competitive in the market.


I sketched low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic structure and layout of the redesigned pages. The wireframes focused on simplifying the booking process, enhancing search filters, and improving the overall layout for a more intuitive user experience.


I translated the wireframes into interactive mockups using Figma. These mockups provided a more detailed representation of the user interface. I added interactive elements such as buttons, dropdown menus, and navigation links to simulate user interactions. Users could navigate through the booking process and access various features.

Validating the designs

I conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems. The goal was to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the proposed design changes. During testing, participants were given specific tasks, such as booking a flight, applying search filters, and exploring personalized recommendations.

During the session, I observed how they interacted with the prototype and gathered feedback on the clarity of the interface, ease of navigation, and overall user satisfaction. The usability session revealed that it was less arduous to set up a new Audience due to the grouping of related fields. It was easier for the user to identify which forms they had to fill, as advanced settings were now hidden under a collapsable toggle.

Results and takeaways

Since the implementation of the new design, we have seen a significant increase in the conversion rate. This improvement translated into higher revenue as users were more successful in completing bookings. Furthermore, the bounce rate decreased by 10%, indicating improved user engagement and a more compelling overall user experience. User feedback from usability testing highlighted increased satisfaction with the simplified booking process, enhanced search filters, and personalized recommendations.

Notably, website performance was significantly enhanced, with faster page load times contributing to smoother interactions. By incorporating successful features from competitors, TravelEase bolstered its competitive position in the travel industry. These results underscore the project's success in delivering a user-centric and competitive user experience.

Some key takeaways from this project are:

  • User Research is Paramount: Comprehensive user research is the foundation of successful UX design. Understanding user behavior, preferences, and pain points is essential for creating meaningful improvements.

  • Iterate Based on Feedback: Usability testing and A/B testing provided invaluable insights. Iterative design, driven by user feedback and data, led to better results.

  • Invest in Performance: Optimizing website performance is not just a technical concern but a critical UX factor. Fast-loading pages significantly impact user satisfaction.

  • Stay Competitive: Keeping an eye on industry trends and competitor offerings is crucial. Incorporating successful features from competitors can help maintain a strong market position.

  • UX is a Continuous Journey: The conclusion of the project marks the beginning of a new phase in the UX journey. Regular monitoring, user feedback, and ongoing improvement are essential for long-term success.